Kenyan Collective Investment Schemes Dataset

Sourcing, Cleaning, and Exploring Collective Investment Schemes in Kenya

The dataset compiles Effective Annual Rates for Money Market Funds (KES) and Assets Under Management, sourced from Capital Markets Authority reports and Cytonn Research publications. Utilizing web crawling techniques, data cleaning, and basic exploratory analysis, we’ve created a standardized dataset suitable for in-depth financial research. The dataset compiles Effective Annual Rates for Money Market Funds (KES) and Assets Under Management for the schemes.

Kabui, Charles


4 October 2024


22 December 2024

This study presents a comprehensive dataset of Kenyan Collective Investment Schemes and their performance from 2014 to 2024. By leveraging web crawling techniques on Capital Markets Authority (CMA) and Cytonn Research reports, we compiled data on Effective Annual Rates for Money Market Funds (KES) and Assets Under Management for the schemes (Money Market Funds, Equity Funds, Fixed Income Funds, Balanced Funds, and Special Funds). The research process involved data sourcing, cleaning, and basic exploratory analysis, resulting in a standardized dataset suitable for further research. We provide two primary visualizations: plots of Annual Rates for oney Market Funds (KES) and Assets Under Management over time. This dataset aims to serve as a foundation for researchers, investors, and industry stakeholders to conduct more in-depth analyses of Kenya’s collective investment landscape. By archiving and publishing this data, we contribute to the accessibility and transparency of financial information in the Kenyan market.

money, kenya, unit-trusts, money-market-funds, MMF, dataset, kenyan-collective-investment-dataset