Summary of Registered Entities and Companies in Kenya
Analyzing Business Registration Trends Across Political Transitions
Dive into a decade of Kenya’s economic landscape through the lens of business registrations. This post explores how political transitions between the Uhuru/Jubilee and Ruto/UDA eras may have influenced business formation trends, offering insights into the interplay between politics and entrepreneurship in East Africa’s powerhouse.
Kabui, Charles
15 October 2024
This analysis examines the patterns of business entity registrations in Kenya from financial year 2015/2016 to 2024/2025, spanning two distinct political eras. By visualizing data from the Business Registration Service (BRS), we uncover intriguing trends in the formation of various business entities, including private companies and business names, and their potential correlation with political shifts in the country.
The business registration landscape of a country often serves as a barometer for its economic health and entrepreneurial spirit. In Kenya, a nation known for its dynamic economy and political atmosphere, tracking these registrations can provide valuable insights into the country’s economic trajectory and the impact of political transitions on business confidence.
Since the post-election violence of 2007 that saw both the current president (William Ruto) and his predecessor (Uhuru Kenyatta) defend themselves at the Hague, there has always been a slowdown of the economy around general elections. On the day of the election, the economy literally stops, evidenced by closure of all businesses and related activities such as delivery, money transfer, and investments. The Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE) also loses significant investments during this time period. Open markets are often closed, public transport is left scanty, and most people travel back to rural areas either to vote or for security reasons. During this time, people want to know their neighbors and have familiar faces around them. People often group along tribal lines. During this frenzy atmosphere, people are often less inclined to share personal information or opinions out loud.
This analysis delves into data from the Business Registration Service (BRS)1 of Kenya, covering a decade from financial year 2015/2016 to 2024/2025. This period is particularly interesting as it encompasses two distinct political eras: the Uhuru Kenyatta/Jubilee Party era and the William Ruto/UDA Party era. By examining the trends in business registrations across these periods, we aim to uncover patterns that may reflect the broader economic and political climate of Kenya.
Our analysis utilizes data scraped from the BRS website, focusing on monthly registration figures for various types of business entities. The data was processed and visualized using Python, with libraries such as pandas for data manipulation and matplotlib for creating insightful graphs.
The visualization process involved: 1. Aggregating monthly data across multiple financial years 2. Plotting Total Registrations of Entities, Year-over-Year Growth Rate of Business Entity Registrations and Trend, Seasonality and Residuals 3. Marking significant political events, such as the 2017 and 2022 elections
Show python imports
import sysimport osfrom pathlib import Path# Add root directory as python pathroot_dir = os.path.abspath(Path(sys.executable).parents[2])sys.path.append(root_dir)%reload_ext autoreload%autoreload 2# Other importsimport pandas as pdfrom playwright.async_api import Pagefrom python_utils.web_screenshot import web_screenshot_asyncimport iofrom urllib.request import urlopenfrom bs4 import BeautifulSoupimport numpy as npfrom datetime import date, timedeltafrom calendar import monthrange, month_abbrimport matplotlibfrom matplotlib import pyplot as pltimport matplotlib.dates as mdatesfrom typing import Callablefrom statsmodels.tsa.seasonal import seasonal_decomposeimport textwrapfrom typing import Literalimport plotly.graph_objects as gofrom plotly.subplots import make_subplotsfrom statsmodels.tsa.seasonal import seasonal_decomposefrom datetime import dateimport as pximport as piopio.renderers.default ="plotly_mimetype+notebook_connected"
Below is an image of the webpage we are going to crawl.
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asyncdef page_action_fn(page: Page):returnawait page.wait_for_selector('.elementor-widget-container > [role="tablist"]')# Take a screenshotawait web_screenshot_async("", action = page_action_fn, width =1200, height =1200)
Below code crawls the webpage, and saves the records into a dataframe.
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def get_date(month, year):# Convert month name to number month_num = [i.lower() for i in month_abbr].index(month.lower())# Get the last day of the month _, last_day = monthrange(int(year), month_num)return date(int(year), month_num, last_day)def get_table(index: int): (finantial_year, table_str) = years_records[index] (finantial_year_1, finantial_year_2) = finantial_year.split('/') df = pd.read_html(io.StringIO(str(table_str)))[0] first_column = df.columns[0]# Remove last row (`Total Entities Registered`) and # last column (`Grand Total`) df = df[df[first_column] !="Total Entities Registered"]\ .drop("Grand Total", axis=1)# replace - with NaN df = df.replace("-", np.nan) df[first_column] = df[first_column].astype(str)for column in df.columns[1:]: df[column] = df[column].astype(float) indexes = [ get_date(month, finantial_year_1) for month in df.columns[1:7] ] + [ get_date(month, finantial_year_2) for month in df.columns[7:] ] df = df.set_index(first_column).T df.index = indexes df.columns = [i.lower().strip() for i in df.columns]return dfhtml: str= urlopen("").read()html_parser = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser").select_one('.elementor-widget-container > [role="tablist"]')years = { i.attrs['data-tab']: i.get_text(separator='', strip=True) for i in".ha-tabs__nav .ha-tab__title")}records = { i.attrs['data-tab']: i.find('table') for i in'.ha-tabs__content [role="tabpanel"]') }years_records = [(year, records[id]) forid, year in years.items()]all_registrations = pd.concat([ get_table(i) for i inrange(len(years_records))]).sort_index(ascending=True)all_registrations.index = pd.to_datetime(all_registrations.index)all_registrations
limited partnerships (lp)
business names
private companies
public companies
foreign companies
companies limited by guarantee (clgs)
limited liability partnerships (llps)
strike off applications
120 rows × 8 columns
Registered Entities over Time
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def draw_election_lines( start_date, end_date, ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes, election_dates_y): date_list = [min(start_date, date(2017, 1, 1)) + timedelta(days=x) for x inrange((end_date - start_date).days +1)]# Add a vertical line at the split date election_date_2017 = date(2017, 8, 9) election_date_2022 = date(2022, 8, 9) ax.axvline( x=election_date_2017, color='green', linestyle='--', linewidth=2, zorder=4) ax.axvline( x=election_date_2022, color='green', linestyle='--', linewidth=2, zorder=4)# Fill the regions# Convert dates to matplotlib date format dates_mpl = mdates.date2num(date_list) split_date_mpl = mdates.date2num(election_date_2022) ax.fill_between( dates_mpl, 0, 100, where=dates_mpl < split_date_mpl, facecolor='#f62f3c', alpha=0.08, transform=ax.get_xaxis_transform()) ax.fill_between( dates_mpl, 0, 100, where=dates_mpl >= split_date_mpl, facecolor='#f8c811', alpha=0.08, transform=ax.get_xaxis_transform()) ax.text( election_date_2017, election_dates_y[0], '2017 election', fontsize =18, rotation=90, zorder=6, ha='right') ax.text( election_date_2022, election_dates_y[1], '2022 election', fontsize =18, rotation=90, zorder=6, ha='right')def plot_data( data_to_plot: pd.DataFrame |list[pd.DataFrame], title_1st_part: str, election_dates_y = (7200, 8500), legend_loc='upper left', axis_callback: Callable[[matplotlib.figure.Figure, matplotlib.axes.Axes], None] =None, ylabel ='Registered Entities'): fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(20, 10)) data_to_plot: list[pd.DataFrame] = data_to_plot\iftype(data_to_plot) ==listelse [data_to_plot] columns_used = [j for i in data_to_plot for j in i.columns] start_date =min(min( for i in data_to_plot) end_date =max(max( for i in data_to_plot) ax.set_title(f'{title_1st_part} ({start_date.strftime("%b %Y")} to {end_date.strftime("%b %Y")})', fontsize =24, pad =45)if columns_used: ax.text(0.5, 1.03, f'{", ".join(columns_used[:-1]) +" and "+ columns_used[-1]}'iflen(columns_used) >1else columns_used[0], transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=14, ha='center', style='italic')for subdata in data_to_plot: ax.plot(subdata.index, subdata.values, linewidth=4) ax.legend(columns_used, loc=legend_loc, fontsize=18) draw_election_lines(start_date, end_date, ax, election_dates_y) fig.text(0.72, 0.035, 'Ruto/UDA era', fontsize =20, ha='left') fig.text(0.35, 0.035, 'Ruto/UDA era', fontsize =20, ha='left')# Add a watermark to the center of the plot ax.text(1, 0.2, '', ha='right', va='bottom', fontsize=18, color='gray', alpha=0.5, transform=ax.transAxes, rotation=50) ax.set_xlabel('Years') ax.set_ylabel(ylabel)if axis_callback: axis_callback(fig, ax)
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plot_columns = ['business names', 'private companies']other_plot_columns =list(set(all_registrations.columns) -set(plot_columns))plot_data( data_to_plot = all_registrations[plot_columns].dropna(), title_1st_part ='Registered Entities in Kenya over Time')
The graph above shows the registration trends for business names and private companies, which are the most common forms of entity registration in Kenya. We can observe that:
Business names registrations peaked around 2021-07-31 before showing a downward trend.
Private companies registrations peaked around 2022-11-30 before starting to decline.
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plot_data( data_to_plot = [ all_registrations[[column]].dropna()for column in other_plot_columns ], title_1st_part ='Registered Entities in Kenya over Time', election_dates_y = (100, 250))
This second graph displays the registration trends for other entity types, including limited partnerships (LP), public companies, foreign companies, companies limited by guarantee (CLGs), limited liability partnerships (LLPs), and strike off applications. These registrations are relatively low, typically less than 500 per month, except for strike off applications which show a notable increase peaking at around 2021-01-31.
Total Registrations of Entities
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plot_data( data_to_plot = all_registrations[plot_columns].dropna().resample('YE').sum().dropna(), title_1st_part ='Total Entity Registrations per Year in Kenya', election_dates_y = (60000, 60000))
The annual totals for business names and private companies registrations reveal:
Business names registrations peaked in 2021 before declining.
Private companies registrations continued to grow, peaking in early 2024.
Show Code
plot_data( data_to_plot = [ all_registrations[[column]].dropna().resample('YE').sum().dropna() for column in other_plot_columns ], title_1st_part ='Total Entity Registrations per Year in Kenya', election_dates_y = (900, 900))
For other entity types, the annual totals remain relatively low, except for strike off applications which show a significant increase starting in 2021, peaking in 2022, and then declining.
Year-over-Year Growth Rate of Business Entity Registrations
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plot_data( data_to_plot = all_registrations[plot_columns] .dropna().resample('YE').sum().dropna().pct_change() *100, title_1st_part ='Year-over-Year Growth Rate of Business Name Registrations', election_dates_y = (-20, 40), legend_loc ='upper right', axis_callback=lambda fig, ax: ax.axhline( y=0, color='purple', linestyle='--', linewidth=.5))
The year-over-year growth rates for business names and private companies show:
A generally declining trend in growth rates for both entity types.
A brief uptick in growth rates around 2021, followed by a continous decline.
Negative growth rates in recent years, indicating a contraction in new registrations.
Show Code
plot_data( data_to_plot = [ all_registrations[[column]] .dropna().resample('YE').sum().dropna().pct_change() *100for column in other_plot_columns ], title_1st_part ='Year-over-Year Growth Rate of Business Name Registrations', election_dates_y = (450, 300), legend_loc ='upper right', axis_callback=lambda fig, ax: ax.axhline( y=0, color='purple', linestyle='--', linewidth=.5))
Growth rates for other entity types show high volatility due to their lower numbers, but generally appear to be lower after 2022.
Trend, Seasonality and Residuals
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def plot_trend_and_seasonality( columns_used: list[str], trend_period =12, title_wrap: int=None, title_args = { 'fontsize': 18, 'fontweight': 'bold', 'fontstyle': 'italic' }, election_dates_y_trend = (6000, 4600), election_dates_y_resid = (1100, 1100)): fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(15, 20)) start_date: date =None end_date: date =None actual_columns_used = []for column_used in columns_used: plot_series = all_registrations[column_used].dropna()iflen(plot_series) <2* trend_period:continue actual_columns_used.append(column_used) __start_date =min( __end_date =max( start_date =min(start_date or __start_date, __start_date or start_date) end_date =min(end_date or __end_date, __end_date or end_date) decomposition = seasonal_decompose( plot_series, model='additive', period=trend_period)# Plot trend component ax1.plot( decomposition.trend.index, decomposition.trend.values, label = column_used) ax1.set_ylabel('Trend') ax1.set_xlabel('Years')# Plot seasonal component ax2.plot( decomposition.seasonal.index, decomposition.seasonal.values, label = column_used) ax2.axhline(y=0, color='r', linestyle='--', linewidth=.5) ax2.set_ylabel('Seasonality') ax2.set_xlabel('Years')# Plot residual component ax3.plot( decomposition.resid.index, decomposition.resid.values, label = column_used) ax3.axhline(y=0, color='r', linestyle='--', linewidth=.5) ax3.set_ylabel('Residuals') ax3.set_xlabel('Years')if start_date or end_date: draw_election_lines(start_date, end_date, ax1, election_dates_y_trend) draw_election_lines(start_date, end_date, ax3, election_dates_y_resid) title_template = ('{0} - 'f'{", ".join(actual_columns_used[:-1])} & {actual_columns_used[-1]}'iflen(actual_columns_used) >1else actual_columns_used[0] ) get_title =lambda s1: "\n".join(textwrap.wrap(title_template.format(s1), width=title_wrap)) \if title_wrap \else title_template.format(s1) ax1.set_title(get_title('Trend'), **title_args) ax2.set_title(get_title('Seasonality'), **title_args) ax3.set_title(get_title('Residuals'), **title_args) ax1.legend(fontsize=16) ax2.legend(fontsize=16) ax3.legend(fontsize=16)# Add a watermark to the center of the plot ax3.text(1, 0.2, '', ha='right', va='bottom', fontsize=18, color='gray', alpha=0.5, transform=ax3.transAxes, rotation=50) fig.tight_layout(h_pad=5, pad=4) fig.text( x =.5, y =1, fontsize =26, ha='center', s = (f'{trend_period}-Month Summary of Registered Entities in Kenya 'f'({start_date.strftime("%b %Y")} to {end_date.strftime("%b %Y")})' ))else: fig.clear() fig.axes.clear()plot_trend_and_seasonality(plot_columns)
The decomposition of the time series for business names and private companies reveals:
A clear upward trend until 2021, followed by a decline.
Strong seasonality, with peaks typically occurring in January-March and August.
Residuals showing increased volatility in recent years.
Business names and Private company registrations follow a distinct seasonal pattern throughout the year:
January - March: The year starts with a surge in entrepreneurial spirit, peaking around March as people act on their New Year’s resolutions.
April - May: Registrations decline as initial enthusiasm wanes. However, a mid-year rejuvenation occurs in May as people realize the year is almost half over.
June - August: A new peak emerges in June, followed by a brief dip in July. August sees the highest registration numbers of the year as people prepare for the final quarter.
September - December: A downward trend begins, reaching the year’s lowest point in December, likely due to end-of-year festivities and holiday preparations.
For other entity types, the trends are less pronounced due to lower numbers, but still show some seasonality and increasing volatility in residuals over time.
Loading Summary of Registered Entities and Companies in Kenya...
Key Findings
Dominance of Business Names and Private Companies: These two categories consistently outpace other forms of registration, indicating a preference for simpler business structures among Kenyan entrepreneurs.
Transition Between Political Eras:
The Uhuru/Jubilee era (pre-2022) showed a general upward trend in registrations, particularly for business names and private companies.
The early Ruto/UDA era (post-2022) exhibits some volatility in registration numbers, with a slight downward trend observable in some categories.
Resilience of the Entrepreneurial Spirit Despite political transitions and global events (such as the COVID-19 pandemic, which falls within this period), the overall trend of business registrations remains positive. This suggests a robust entrepreneurial spirit in Kenya that persists through various challenges.
Seasonal Patterns: Business registrations tend to peak in the first quarter of the year (January-March) and again in August, possibly reflecting fiscal year planning.
Rise in Strike Off Applications: There’s a notable increase in strike off applications starting in 2021, which could indicate economic stress or regulatory changes affecting business closures.
Slowdown in Growth: Recent years show a slowdown in the growth rate of new business registrations, particularly after 2021, which may reflect broader economic challenges.
This analysis of Kenya’s business registration trends offers a unique window into the country’s economic dynamics and the interplay between politics and entrepreneurship. While political transitions and global events like the COVID-19 pandemic have impacted business formation, the overall trend suggests a resilient formal business sector in Kenya.
As Kenya continues to position itself as a key economic player in East Africa, understanding these trends can be crucial for policymakers, investors, and entrepreneurs alike. Future research could delve deeper into sector-specific trends or compare Kenya’s patterns with those of neighboring countries to provide a more comprehensive regional perspective.
Disclaimer:For information only. Accuracy or completeness not guaranteed. Illegal use prohibited. Not professional advice or solicitation.Read more: /terms-of-service
author = {{Kabui, Charles}},
title = {Summary of {Registered} {Entities} and {Companies} in
date = {2024-10-15},
url = {},
langid = {en-GB},
abstract = {This analysis examines the patterns of business entity
registrations in Kenya from financial year 2015/2016 to 2024/2025,
spanning two distinct political eras. By visualizing data from the
Business Registration Service (BRS), we uncover intriguing trends in
the formation of various business entities, including private
companies and business names, and their potential correlation with
political shifts in the country.}